Best Betashares ETFs in Australia

Betashares are one of the largest ETF issuers in Australia (by funds under management). Learn more about popular Betashares ETFs.

Who are Betashares?

Betashares offer a range of different ASX listed ETFs including international ETFs, currency ETFs, several smart beta ETFs, as well as managed fund and hedge fund exchange traded products.

Betashares has also launched exchange traded funds in collaboration with Legg Mason and US based WisdomTree.

Betashares has recently launched Betashares Direct, a brokerage platform that allows you to trade ASX ETFs with zero brokerage fees. See our review of this platform here.

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What are ETFs or index funds?

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) provide direct exposure to a wide range of investments in their asset class such as Australian shares, international shares, bonds or metals.

ETFs track a market index rather than taking bets on individual companies. ETFs are sometimes referred to as index funds. Find out more about what ETFs are.

Best Betashares ETFs on the ASX

Betashares NASDAQ 100 ETF (NDQ) tracks the performance of the NASDAQ-100 Index. This includes the 100 largest non-financial companies by market capitalisation listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

NDQ provides easy access to US technology, consumer and healthcare companies. In particular, it is known for its large exposure to the innovative American tech sector, including holdings in FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google) stocks, as well as Apple and Microsoft. NDQ has benefitted from the recent performance of the technology sector, although this level of sector concentration can affect its diversification value in the long-term.

Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF (FAIR) gives exposure to ~80 Australian companies identified as ‘sustainability leaders.' FAIR tracks the Nasdaq Future Australian Sustainability Leaders Index.

FAIR provides investors with an opportunity to practice socially responsible investing with a strategy that considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

The companies in the FAIR ETF have been screened according to eligibility criteria related to carbon efficiency for ‘climate leaders' and to exclude companies with material exposure to activities considered inconsistent with ethical investment, such as tobacco.

FAIR and ETHI (below) are both included in the Stockspot Sustainable Portfolios.

Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF (ETHI) gives exposure to approximately 200 large global companies identified as 'climate leaders' and tracks the Nasdaq Future Global Sustainability Leaders Index.

ETHI provides investors with an opportunity to practice socially responsible investing with a strategy that considers financial and ethics in its 200 holdings from outside Australia. These companies have been screened for carbon efficiency and exclude companies with material exposure to activities considered inconsistent with ethical investment, such as tobacco.

FAIR (above) and ETHI are both included in the Stockspot Sustainable Portfolios.

The Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200) provides exposure to the 200 largest companies on the ASX. It's the lowest cost ETF on the Australian market that provides exposure to Australian shares, charging 0.07% p.a.

A200 includes a few other smaller companies in the materials and real estate industry that are not in the popular SPDR STW or iShares IOZ. The difference is due to A200 tracking the Solactive Australia 200 Index which has a different methodology to S&P, mainly regarding liquidity and threshold buffers.

A200 includes a few other smaller companies in the materials and real estate industry that are not in the popular SPDR STW or iShares IOZ. The difference is due to A200 tracking the Solactive Australia 200 Index which has a different methodology to S&P, mainly regarding liquidity and threshold buffers.

Find out more about the best Australian share ETFs.

Betashares Australian High Interest Cash ETF (AAA) aims to generate a return that exceeds the 30 day Bank Bill Swap Rate (after fees and expenses) with exposure to Australian cash.

AAA invests in various deposits from banks in Australia depending on their returns. With regular income distributions, it is a very stable option for more risk averse investors who still want a reliable return. This is particularly attractive to investors in the retirement stage.

This ETF is included in Stockspot Savings.

Betashares US Dollar ETF (USD) tracks the change in value of the United States dollar compared to the Australian dollar. It doesn't track an index, rather it is made up of US Dollar deposits held at JP Morgan Chase.

USD offers a simple and relatively low risk way to get exposure to the changes in the Australian/US Dollar exchange rate.

For example, if the Australian Dollar declines in value by 5%, the US Dollar ETF will rise by 5% and dividends are minimal so will not impact the overall return.

Betashares Australian Dividend Harvester Fund (managed fund) (HVST), seeks to provide at least double the yearly yield of the Australian stock market with exposure to large companies that provide regular franked dividends.

HVST is a smart beta product that focuses on providing monthly dividend income for investors.

HVST emphasises dividends as the main factor in its construction, rather than market capitalisation as per general ASX index funds. The design of HVST aims to reduce volatility of returns and limit risk.

Find out more about HVST and dividend ETFs.

Betashares FTSE RAFI Australia 200 ETF (QOZ) aims to replicate the performance of the FTSE RAFI Australia 200. This index contains the 200 largest ASX listed companies measured by fundamental size.

QOZ's fundamental size measure is a smart beta approach that aims to outperform the traditional market capitalisation organisation of index funds. This approach is underpinned by the idea that using the share price to determine a company's weighting in an index doesn't account periods of over or undervaluation.

QOZ will have different weightings of the same companies when compared to major ASX ETFs like VAS, STW and IOZ.

Betashares Crude Oil Index ETF (OOO) aims to replicate the returns of the S&P GSCI Crude Oil Index Excess Return (hedged into A$) by holding West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures traded on the NYMEX.

OOO provides an opportunity to get exposure to oil prices. As a synthetic product that holds financial contracts of oil prices, investors should note that they don't own the underlying physical asset. This makes it different to physically backed ETFs for materials, such as gold ETFs.

Betashares Australian Strong Bear (Hedge Fund) (BBOZ) aims to provide magnified inverse returns of the Australian share market, as represented by the S&P/ASX 200 Index.

As a bear hedge fund BBOZ is actively managed to provide returns that are the opposite (or close to) of the index tracked and intends to protect investors against downturns in Australian shares. As a strong hedge fund it's also ‘geared' to magnify its performance and will over or undershoot the inverse return.

BBOZ is a niche product, and hedge funds are generally riskier than regular index ETFs due to the risks associated with leverage and with compounding returns on a daily basis.

Read more about inverse ETFs and whether you should buy them.

Betashares S&P 500 Yield Maximiser Fund (Managed Fund) (UMAX) aims to replicate the returns of the S&P 500 Index and provide extra income by trying to exceed the returns from regular dividend yields.

UMAX provides exposure to the 500 largest companies in the USA by market capitalisation together with call options. This is part of its strategy as a smart beta product to get extra income from dividends and hedge against falling share prices. UMAX is also designed with the aims of providing the potential for some capital growth and lower overall volatility than the index. This means that it's expected to protect against market downturns but not outperform during upturns.

Betashares Australia Top20 Equity Yield Max Fund (YMAX) aims to provide investors with extra income by trying to outperform the regular dividend yield of the S&P/ASX 20 Index.

YMAX's strategy includes actively managing call options with the aim of exceeding index returns by focusing on the dividends of the 20 largest companies listed on the ASX. YMAX's design also aims to provide some capital growth and lower overall volatility than the index. Similar to UMAX it aims to cushion investors against downturns, but not provide excess returns if the stock market is at a high point.

Find out why YMAX has underperformed passive index ETFs.

CRYP aims to track the performance of an index that provides exposure to companies that are involved in the crypto economy. An investment in CRYP is not the same as investing directly into cryptocurrency assets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

This ETF was launched in November2021, and following being the fastest ETF to reach $100m in size, it experienced a peak to trough loss of over 50% in a matter of months, to the dismay of many performance chasing investors.

Learn why new ETFs under performance the index..

Betashares HBRD ETF aims to deliver income returns through an actively managed, diversified portfolio focused on hybrid securities. The fund strategy allows for flexibility to adjust allocations based on market conditions, potentially shifting towards lower-risk assets like cash or bonds in response to overvaluation or increased capital loss risk in the hybrid securities market.

Betashares ETF QPON seeks to replicate the performance of an index measuring the largest and most liquid senior floating rate bonds issued by Australian banks, with eligibility criteria including amounts outstanding of at least $500 million and a term to maturity between 1 to 5 years. The fund's strategy allows for up to 80% allocation to bonds from the 'big 4' Australian banks (equal-weighted) and up to 20% allocation to other major Australian banks within the portfolio.

Betashares ETF HACK aims to replicate the performance of an index representing leading companies in the global cybersecurity sector, providing convenient and cost-effective access to this fast-growing industry, which is expected to see increased demand due to the rising threat of cybercrime. The fund's portfolio encompasses both established global cybersecurity giants and emerging players from various locations, offering investors exposure to current and future industry leaders in one diversified trade.

Betashares ETF CRED aims to replicate the performance of an index focused on senior, fixed-rate, investment-grade Australian corporate bonds, emphasizing superior expected excess returns over government bonds. The fund offers attractive monthly income at rates surpassing traditional options, along with potential diversification and defensive benefits, intelligently selecting bonds based on expected returns rather than debt outstanding.

Betashares ETF BNDS invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian bonds, actively managed by Western Asset, aiming to surpass the Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index performance over rolling three-year periods. This core fixed-income solution provides attractive monthly income expected to outperform cash and term deposits, and historically demonstrates defensive characteristics by rising in value when Australian shares fall.

Betashares ETF AGVT seeks to replicate the performance of an index featuring high-quality bonds issued by Australian federal and state governments, along with supranationals and sovereign agencies, with the fund primarily investing in relatively long-duration Australian government bonds. With benefits including superior credit quality, historical diversification and defensive characteristics, and regular monthly income potential, AGVT provides investors with an opportunity for stable returns in the Australian bond market.

Betashares QAU ETF aims to replicate the performance of gold prices, hedged for currency movements in the AUD/USD exchange rate. The ETF offers a way for investors to access the benefits of gold without the need for direct ownership and storage. As a 'safe haven' asset backed by physical gold bullion held in a secure vault, QAU provides a defensive option against uncertainty and volatility in economic conditions.

Betashares ETFs Performance

Performance as at 30 September 2024

Fund nameASX code1 year return3 year return (p.a.)5 year return (p.a.)
Betashares NASDAQ 100 ETFNDQ26.3%12.0%20.7%
Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETFFAIR22.5%5.0%6.8%
Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETFETHI22.4%8.6%16.3%
Betashares Australia 200 ETFA20023.3%10.5%9.9%
Betashares Australian High Interest Cash ETFAAA4.5%3.0%2.0%
Betashares US Dollar ETFUSD-2.0%4.5%1.4%
Betashares Australian Dividend Harvester Fund (managed fund)HVST24.9%9.2%6.4%
Betashares FTSE RAFI Australia 200 ETFQOZ23.9%12.2%10.5%
Betashares Crude Oil Index ETF - Currency Hedged (synthetic)OOO-15.6%7.4%-8.7%
Betashares Australian Strong Bear (Hedge Fund)BBOZ-29.8%-16.1%-23.2%
Betashares S&P 500 Yield Maximiser Fund (Managed Fund)UMAX17.0%9.8%9.3%
Betashares Australia Top20 Equity Yield Max FundYMAX18.1%11.1%8.8%
Betashares Active Australian Hybrids FundHBRD7.5%5.1%4.5%
Betashares Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond ETFQPON5.6%3.5%2.7%
Betashares Global Cybersecurity ETFHACK21.3%7.9%16.4%
Betashares Australian Investment Grade Bond ETFCRED12.5%-0.4%0.8%
Betashares Western Asset Australian Bond Fund (Managed Fund)BNDS7.9%-1.1%-0.3%
Betashares Australian Government Bond ETFAGVT9.1%-2.9%-1.7%
Betashares Gold Bullion ETF (Currency Hedged)QAU38.9%12.6%9.5%
Fund name
Betashares NASDAQ 100 ETF
Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF
Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF
Betashares Australia 200 ETF
Betashares Australian High Interest Cash ETF
Betashares US Dollar ETF
Betashares Australian Dividend Harvester Fund (managed fund)
Betashares FTSE RAFI Australia 200 ETF
Betashares Crude Oil Index ETF - Currency Hedged (synthetic)
Betashares Australian Strong Bear (Hedge Fund)
Betashares S&P 500 Yield Maximiser Fund (Managed Fund)
Betashares Australia Top20 Equity Yield Max Fund
Betashares Active Australian Hybrids Fund
Betashares Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond ETF
Betashares Global Cybersecurity ETF
Betashares Australian Investment Grade Bond ETF
Betashares Western Asset Australian Bond Fund (Managed Fund)
Betashares Australian Government Bond ETF
Betashares Gold Bullion ETF (Currency Hedged)
ASX code
1 year return
3 year return (p.a.)
5 year return (p.a.)

Which Betashares ETFs are included in the Stockspot Portfolios?

Stockspot Savings include the Betashares AAA ETF.

The Stockspot Sustainable Portfolios contain Betashares FAIR and ETHI.

Stockspot Themes include the options of Betashares NDQ and ASIA.

What is Stockspot?

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You won’t need to pick ETFs. We build you a smart, transparent and personalised portfolio of high-performing ETFs based on your investment goals.

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Diversified across different asset classes, sectors, and markets

Your Stockspot investments will include global shares, Australian shares, gold, and government bonds.

Want to know more about Betashares, investing and ETFs?